The Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be convened on first Saturday of January every year. An extraordinary meeting may be convened at any time, if the Executive Committee deem it necessary. Similarly, members of the association under (a) or (b) category may also request for such a meeting. Those Members (at least ten) desiring such a meeting, must state the object thereof and give the Secretary of the Association two weeks notice to convene it.
No business shall be transacted at the General Body or Extraordinary Meeting unless at least 25 members are present. In the absence of the above condition, the meeting shall be reconvened.
The purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
Receive the report of the Executive Committee and the statement of the annual accounts.
Discuss points arising out of the report or accounts.
Elect the Members of the Executive Committee.
Transact any other business.
To amend the by-laws, if required.
Notice of Meeting: No notice of meetings shall be served without the consent of the Chairman. Two weeks notice specifying place, day and time of the meeting shall be sent to each member, along with the agenda.
The chairman shall preside at every General Meeting. In the absence of the Chairman, one of the Vice-Presidents