Liflos Charter

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Liflos Charter


The Association shall be known as ‘LIFLOS’. It rhymes with ‘Life flows’ in keeping with the spirit of the association- to ‘Let Your Light shine!’ continuously.

The office of the Association shall be located at Little Flower High School, Chirag Ali Lane, Abids, Hyderabad – 500 001.

  • Types of Memberships with LIFLOS

    Ordinary Members:
    All former students of Little Flower High School shall be eligible for membership by paying a Registration Fee. 500/- provided they have spent at least one academic year in the school. They shall also pay an annual subscription of Rs. 500/- Subscription fee can be paid for five years at a time in which case the amount is Rs. 2000/-

    Life Membership:
    Members may become Life Members on a payment of Rs. 5000/- for the time being (Members desirous of subscribing larger amounts are free to do so).

    Honorary Members:
    Former Principals and other Brothers who have served in the institution are honorary members Teachers who were/are on the teaching faculty for at least ten years, and well-wishers who are not former students, may also be admitted to the Association as Honorary Members. However, they will not be eligible to membership of the Executive Committee and shall have no voting rights.

    Ex-Officio Members:
    The Principal, one Brother and three teachers nominated by the Chairman, not more than two each shall also be Ex-officio Members with voting rights

    Patron Members:
    Members on a one-time contribution of Rs.50,000/- shall be patrons. They may fall within the categories as in (a) or (b) or (c). Application for membership shall be made in such form as prescribed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall advise the applicant of the acceptance or rejection. No reason needs to be given in case of rejection.

  • Annual General Body Meeting of the Association

    The Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be convened on first Saturday of January every year. An extraordinary meeting may be convened at any time, if the Executive Committee deem it necessary. Similarly, members of the association under (a) or (b) category may also request for such a meeting. Those Members (at least ten) desiring such a meeting, must state the object thereof and give the Secretary of the Association two weeks notice to convene it.

    No business shall be transacted at the General Body or Extraordinary Meeting unless at least 25 members are present. In the absence of the above condition, the meeting shall be reconvened.

    The purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
    Receive the report of the Executive Committee and the statement of the annual accounts.

    Discuss points arising out of the report or accounts.

    Elect the Members of the Executive Committee.

    Transact any other business.

    To amend the by-laws, if required.

    Notice of Meeting: No notice of meetings shall be served without the consent of the Chairman. Two weeks notice specifying place, day and time of the meeting shall be sent to each member, along with the agenda.

    The chairman shall preside at every General Meeting. In the absence of the Chairman, one of the Vice-Presidents

  • Administraion of Executive Committee

    The Association shall be administered and managed by the Executive Committee whose term of office shall be for a period of two years. It shall have the authority and power to administer and manage affairs of the Association. The Executive Committee shall consist of:

    The Chairman -The Principal of the School.


    Vice President(a lady from the year 2015 onwards unless the president is a lady)

    General Secretary

    Joint Secretary(a member of the staff of the school)


    Ten Committee Members- 6 Former Students & 3 members (including Joint Secretary) of the Sta and one Brother (nominated).

    The ratio of the members of the Executive Committee shall be (Ex. Officio: Other Members) 1 : The quorum for the Executive Meeting is eight. Except Ex-offcio Members, for others to be members of the Executive Body, they should have completed at least seven years from the date of leaving the school or completing class 10 whichever is latter. The Joint Secretary shall be a Ex-Officio member of the staff. The Association shall be administered and managed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint Sub-Committees, if considered necessary, for the purpose of managing and administering the affairs of the Association. The Executive Committee shall meet on the Second Sunday of April, July and October, and for budget session on the Sunday before Christmas. The Executive Committee shall have the following powers:

    To establish, maintain, use, administer, and participate in any activity aimed towards the achievement of its objectives.

    To incur expenditure and all necessary financial arrangements for carrying on the work of the Association.

    To carry on any kind of activity which is necessary or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Association.

    To open the accounts of the Association in any bank/banks as may be decided and to operate the said account/accounts in such a manner as may be decided by them, from time to time.

    To accept/give gifts and donations, fees, grants and other dividends and payments in lieu of goods or services rendered.

  • Functions of the Executive Body

    The Principal of the school shall be the Chairman/President of all the meetings including General and Executive. He shall have a casting vote in case of a tie. He shall sign the approved minutes and accounts.

    The working President of the Executive Committee shall be one of the Vice-President:

    He/She shall:

    Supervise all the activities of the Association including the expenditure subject to the provisions of the budget.

    Chair of the meeting of the Executive Meeting in the absence of the Chairman/President.

    Vice-President: The Vice-Presidents shall be elected ?om among the former students to assist the working president in discharging his/her functions. In the absence of the President, one of the two Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties entrusted to him/her by the President.

    General Secretary:
    The General Secretary shall be the Chief P.R.O of the Association and be responsible for all records relating to the Association. She/He shall see to all correspondence on behalf of the Association. She/He shall record the minutes and convene all the bodies of the Association with the permission of the President and with the help of the Joint Secretary.

    Joint Secretary:
    The Joint Secretary shall do all the work entrusted by the Executive Committee and shall assist the General Secretary in discharging his/her duties. In the absence of the Secretary, he/she may perform the duties of the General Secretary. The work of processing the application for membership shall be done by the Joint Secretary.

    The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial transactions relating to the Association. The Treasure shall prepare the budget and the expenditure statement of the Association. The accounting year shall be from lst January to 31st December. He/she shall also be responsible for printing, purchase of stationary, arranging for refreshments, meals, etc. in consultation with the working President and Secretary.

    Members of the Executive Committee, who absent themselves at two consecutive meetings, shall cease to be members.

  • Finance

    Bank Account:

    Accounts shall be held in any scheduled bank at Hyderabad in the name of the President, Secretary and Treasurer. All money transactions shall be done through the bank and the Principal signatory shall be the President. If the Treasurer is not available for transactions, the same may be carried out by the Secretary. As far as possible the Treasurer shall be a local person.

    The Budget:

    The Annual Budget shall be prepared by the Treasurer and Secretary and got approved by the Executive Committee before passing it in the General Body Meeting.

    Financial Competence:

    The Financial Competence of the Executive Body shall be determined by the General Body. No individual is permitted to spend money on his own unless authorized to do so by the Executive Committee.

    Distribution of Finance:

    Keeping in mind the objectives of the association the resource mobilized by registration and otherwise (unless done for a specific purpose) will be utilized as follows. Each year the following amounts will be set aside. In case minimum mentioned amount is not utilized that amount will get accumulated under that category.

  • VII

    Any amendment of the approved by-laws can be done only in the Annual General Body Meeting or in a meeting specially convened, if tabled by the chairman. No amendment shall be carried out unless 2/3 of the members present vote for it.

  • Organ of the School

    The Old Students Association is an organ of the School and functions as a private body. It has no legally independent status until and unless it becomes a registered body for which written permission shall be obtained from the Managing Committee of the school i.e. the Province Administration of the Society of the Brothers of St. Gabriel.